Magic and the Occult in Islam: Ahmad al-Buni

What follows is a very fine lecture by Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad (Department of Arabic and Islamic Civilizations, American University in Cairo) delivered at the Warburg Institute, University of London, May 2003.

This is an important lecture in its own right, but I’m also posting this as an introduction to my next post, regarding the decoding of a manuscript using astrological elements such as Lunar Mansions, Constellations and significant stars; while making reference to the Picatrix. I’m delighted to see so much research and scholarship brought to bear on the astrological tradition and its association with Alchemy, Geomancy. & Theurgy.

5 thoughts on “Magic and the Occult in Islam: Ahmad al-Buni

  1. Pingback: Thank you ;) | atobullshit

  2. I listened to this lecture yesterday. Oh, how INTERESTING! I look forward to your next post regarding the decoding of the manuscript.

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