Vernal Equinox – Nowroz 2019

I try to avoid political commentaries at the time of the Solstices and the Equinoxes. However, the issue if Brexit is of far-reaching consequences.

This  Vernal Equinox Chart is set for Greenwich Mean Time, in part due to to the proximity of the triggering Brexit Article 50,, set for March 29. 2019. The Moon is in the14th Lunar Mansion, Al Simak (The Harvest)-Interestingly Theresa (May) means harvester. In any case, I take her to be the Moon. May is considered by many to be among the very worst PMs in British history.  Her indecisiveness has caused one crisis after another and Brexit has been at the centre of this. Now, it seems that the situation changes by the hour as the PM tries to pass one unpopular and ill-conceived motion after another. The Speaker of the House, John Bercow, has stated that no further votes can be made for an agreement that is not significantly different than the ones already rejected. This adds up to a Constitutional crisis that could be avoided by simply following the pas already made.

May was a “Remainer” who said she would lead the UK out of the EU in any case and won an election on that premise. One would prefer a more constant leader at the helm during such a momentous transition. Her method has largely relied on postponing until she gets the answer she wants, which never happens.. The Moon is the Hyleg of the chart and well situated in the 11th house. and in a Nocturnal chart.  She is in Hayz. Luna is the Lady of the Geniture, thus of the Year. She also disposits the Node in the 9th House, the house, among other things of Foreign Affairs, which in turn will influence what happens in the Tenth House and MC in Leo.

This is important because of the relationship between the King or Queen of the people is part and parcel of what has been negotiated. The Sun is in his Exaltation in the House of the ‘common people” and poised to oppose the Moon when she enters tropical Libra. See the video feed of this phenomenon below.

Mars is the chart Almuten and Lord of the Ascendant. The opposition reflects the chafing and divisiveness of this political process.  However, Mars is also Lord of the Ascendant. Mercury is responsible for communication and particularly legal and diplomatic agreements or disagreements. In this chart, he languishes in the Fifth House, in his Fall and Rx.

The many conflicting elements make this a difficult prediction and not least because of the many versions of Brexit on the table. I believe that May will procrastinate and look for extensions to the exit date by lobbying the EU. However, all members of the EU would have to agree on an extension before the deadline of March 29. If that date is reached without an acceptable agreement and/or an extension, then the UK will leave the EU on that date and revert to the WTO protocols.

BBC states that “A no-deal Brexit would mean the UK leaving the European Union and cutting ties immediately, with no agreement at all in place. If MPs do not approve Theresa May’s deal, and there is no alternative deal or move to delay or stop Brexit, the UK will leave with no deal on 29 March. The UK would follow World Trade Organization rules to trade with the EU and other countries while trying to negotiate free-trade deals. ”  See Brexit.

Returning to Lady Luna in the 14th Mansion of the Moon, this has to do with separating the wheat from the chaff. This is recognized as a good time to end relationships and a very bad time to cling to situations for fear of change. In this particular instance that encapsulates what Theresa May needs to do.  Her position is highly compromised, considering the dire condition of Mercury which deposits the Moon. .

Finally, we have a highly dignified Jupiter in the 2nd House. In Mundane Astrology, the 2nd House is like the collective pocket – what one owns – ruling finances. The 2nd house rules wealth, possessions and property of the people as a whole. Moreover, it rules our collective values. The UK is strong in all these areas.

There are no overwhelming factors in this chart that would prevent Brexit from occurring. As in all great political and public events, decisions are made by any number of people, even in non-democratic nations. The causes and conditions are favourable for a ‘hard Brexit’ and most are wary of the endless machinations, dissembling and indecisiveness which is undermining many elements of the UK.  George Galloway has shrewdly stated that “17.4 million people voted for Brexit and are being denied it. That sounds like a recipe for civil war to me and the British rulers should remember what happened as a result of the last one. ” See RT Article.

In sum, I would say that delaying the hard Brexit deadline will be dismissed at considerable cost to the PM and the Government at large. All indications show that this is exactly what they will do. Considering the potency of open enemies as described in the Seventh House, combined with May’s weak support, could very well trigger a vote of non-confidence.


This Spring Equinox is cause for celebration all over the world in many different ways, but the themes are always around new life and fertility. Take some time to savour this time and enjoy the spectacle of the Equinox Supermoon.

Total Lunar Eclipse 04 April 2015

Lunar eclipse by al-Qazwini

Lunar eclipse by al-Qazwini

[The eclipse begins at 3:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time on the morning of April 4th when the edge of the Moon first enters the amber core of Earth’s shadow.  For the next hour and 45 minutes, Earth’s shadow will move across the lunar disk, ultimately swallowing the entire Moon at 4:58 AM PDT. “Totality” is when the Moon is fully inside Earth’s shadow. Some total eclipses last for more than an hour.  In this case, however, totality spans just 4 minutes and 43 seconds—a result of the fact that the Moon is skimming the outskirts of Earth’s shadow rather than passing centrally through it.] – Courtesy of NASA

This eclipse is one of the Saros 132 cycle which began in 1492 and will end in 2754. In fact this family of eclipses, for the most, haven’t tended to auger particularly malevolent events. This one however is one to study carefully. The strongly Venusian signature is easy to miss with all that Mars going on. But it’s the Moon that’s being eclipsed and she’s in the Venusian Sign of Libra. She is also the Lady of the Geniture.

It is the hour of Venus and it’s still the Day of Venus as well. She is in her own Domicile. It is highly significant that Venus is the planet of Islam.  It would be a great mistake to miss the conjunction of Venus with the highly malefic Fixed Star Algol. She and Mars are in an angular house, giving them the optimum ability to act .

The chart is calculated for 4:48 am.,04 Apr 2015 PDT Victoria, British Columbia – time of totality – and read with the resultant Whole Sign Houses. However, I’m adding the chart for the same event in Tehran, Iran.  4:31 PM.


4:48 am.,04 Apr 2015 PDT

The chart is also distinguished by the  presence of Antares, the heart of the Scorpion, conjunct the M.C,,


In the Ptolemaic system Parthia, Media, Persia; in the centre, the Cyclades, Cyprus, the coastal region of Asia Minor are Venusian and specifically Taurian. In light of the last eclipse occurring hours before the Vernal Equinox and the other clear indicators, Iran is key. We also have the second criteria met by 50% visibility in Iran according to NASA. This is the shortest lunar eclipse of the century and I would expect any events augured by it to be realized sooner rather than later and to be of short duration.

The ninth house placement of the Moon in Libra may easily be interpreted as associated with Islam and the fact that the Moon is in the house of the Sun’s Joy might imply unorthodoxy.. The Joy of the Moon is the Third House of the Goddess at the opposite end of the 9/3 axis – trading places with the Sun, as it were. It is worth bearing in mind that for 85% of Muslims, the predominantly Shia population or Iran is heterodox.

There has been great conflict in the Islamic world for many years, some may say forever, but The Islamic Republic of Iran is really just coming back onto the stage after decades of suppression and isolation, due to the auspices of an albeit tentative Nuclear Deal.

Saturn is the Almuten Figuris.,retrograde and disposited by a grandiose and retrograde Jupiter in Leo, also angular. Saturn is the planet of Judaism and it’s no secret that Israel, particularly under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has a strong antipathy towards Iran. The region of Israel itself is under Mars, With both social planets in their respective conditions and  with an intransigent Mars Lord of the Tenth House, the situation looks volatile.

Tehran Eclipse

When we consider the Planetary Lots of the malefics we find affirmation of the theme described thus far.  The Part of Mars is with Venus. The Part of Saturn shadows the Moon. This all adds up to a dangerous time for Iran.

It isn’t required, because our original chart shows the eclipse at its most potent. However when we compare this chart with the one for Tehran, we find the Lord of the Ascendant is with the S. Node in the Eighth House of Death and Venus and Mars are at odds in the Ninth. Saturn is in an angular house and Jupiter languishes in the twelfth.

The Almuten Figuris is now Venus and the Ascendant is Virgo, Aldebaran, being of the nature of Mars, sits on the MC. We have Jupiter as both apparent and hidden enemy.  The chart is for the Day of Saturn and the Hour of Mars. The theme essentially remains the same and I would hope that cooler minds prevail.

Sacred Science & Materialistic Literalism

Pythagoras - Detail from Raphael's "School of Athens"

Pythagoras – Detail from Raphael’s “School of Athens”

Considering the extreme distaste modern scientists have for dogma, they can be surprisingly dogmatic. Of course the greatest minds realize there is not a single means of perception and the same phenomena can be seen and understood in different ways without being wrong. For example, The Vedas show a remarkable wisdom and understanding which may fairly be called sacred science. Yet the hubris of modern scientists often finds the term sacred science to be oxymoronic.

There is a persistent and pernicious belief that real intelligence began with the Enlightenment . Whether of not this is wilful ignorance, it is blind to the extraordinary wisdom and what I would call sacred science which is older by thousands of years. Much of it is only now being understood by modern people.

However, much of the common parlance of scientists suggests a teleological sensibility, For example, I recently watched a wonderful documentary on marine life at 15,000 feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Philippines. .

Essentially all life forms at that depth have a luminescence comparable to the terrestrial firefly. Then the marine biologist in charge stated that a jelly fish like creature had a red stomach so that other life forms couldn’t see luminescence in the stomach.

That statement is in fact teleological. It is telling us that this trait exists for a reason and is therefore not the result of random mutation. The Oxford English Dictionary defines teleological as an “explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve rather than by postulated causes.” The sense that there is meaning and purpose in the universe beyond what is virtually blind chance has been ridiculed by the term “Intelligent Design.”untitled

While the vast majority of astrologers would want to distance themselves from biblical literalism with a fear of science, the term itself is well conceived. Every time a scientist finds herself explaining creation by the purpose they serve, she betrays a split in consciousness.

There has been a hoax circulating for many years suggesting that Einstein was supportive, even admiring, of astrology. It’s a moot point in any case as there is no evidence that Einstein ever studied astrology. I cannot think why he would. However, for those of us who dostudy astrology, his scientific and philosophical views seem familiar and harmonious.

In an interview with Alfred Stern in the Contemporary Jewish Record 8  (June 1945 pp. 245-249,  Einstein tells us that he is “not a positivist. Positivism states that what cannot be observed does not exist. This conception is scientifically indefensible, for it is impossible to make valid affirmations of what people ‘can’ or ‘cannot’ observe. One would have to say ‘only what we observe exists’, which is obviously false.” ~

This video addresses these issues in an intelligent and respectful way.*


Modern materialist thought tends to be childishly literal, finding ancient systems of though such as astrology to be mere superstition or worse. Ironically, the greatest minds who lay the basis and furthered the cause of science were also serious astrologers. These include Galileo, Nicolas Copernicus and Sir Isaac Newton to name but a few. Wisdom and science were never so much at war as they have been since the European 18th Century

*I would like to give credit for the creator of this video, but have regrettably been unable to establish provenance beyond the VideoPress stamp. If you have this information, please contact me.

Consecutive Full Moons in Scorpio

There will be two consecutive Full Moons in Scorpio in 2008. The last one occurred 20 April 2008 @ 2:33 am pst. This is not to be confused with the Blue Moon phenomenon, which is a fourth Full Moon in a given season. That occurs approximately every 2.7 years to reflect the fact that the Solar Year is longer than twelve Lunar Cycles, but less than thirteen. It is commonly misunderstood that a Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a given calendar month.

Nevertheless, to have two consecutive Full Moons in any one sign is a rare enough event. I am giving this pair a little extra attention because the configuration is of great interest for a number of reasons.

The April chart had Saturn as the ruler of the Ascendant retrograde in the seventh house with the Dragon’s Tail. The Eight / Two axis is known as the Gates of Hades or Domain of Typhon.  Note that in the May chart the Sun and Moon change places on the same axis.

The Moon is parallel Sirius and conjunct the Arabic Part of Understanding. The parallel aspect is much stronger than the conjunction. The Moon is in her fall and the powerful influence of Sirius brings passionate, searing intensity to an already volatile mix. The Moon in the traditional decanate of Mars, accentuates her already Martian nature. She is disposited by Mars in Cancer, the sign of his fall. This provides what is called a negative mutual reception. Both are in the sign of their own fall. A weak malefic is a damaging one.

According to Ptolemy, Sirius, the brightest of all stars is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars. With the Moon, there is general good fortune, if free of malefics. This is a case of a highly baneful situation being ameliorated by association with a particular star and Arabic Part. However, this relief is slight considering the overall picture. Regrettably, the planets have delivered their promise by way of global catastrophes in the same elements. Much suffering could have been avoided if the celestial forcasts had been heeded.

In itself, we can then see that the chart is certainly challenging enough, but its full import is seen with the second opposition in the same sign a month later.

The second consecutive Full Moon in Scorpio occurs 19 May 2008 @ 4.44 pm pdt, just before the Sun enters Gemini. Note that Saturn has gone direct and sits on the same degree as the Full Lunar Eclipse of 20 February 2008 @ 7:26 pm. pst. It is also in almost precisely the same position as it was in the April chart.

The May chart has Venus combust in the eighth house and, although dignified by sign, cannot do much due to both combustion and house placement. Venus is ruler of the Ascendant and caught up with the Sun’s opposition to the Moon on the same axis.

Morover, the Dragon’s Tail is besieged by Saturn and Mars. Both Saturn and the South Node are in the twelfth Lunar Mansion, Al Safah, the Changer of the Weather. Mars disposits the Part of Fortune, found in the unfortunate sixth house in the Mansion of the Belly. By any standards, this is a nasty piece of work.

With the current vulnerability to seismic activity, particularly around the Pacific rim, Central Asia and all countries where the Lunar Eclipse was visible,  vigilence and preparation should be a matter of course. Any country under the governenance of Virgo should also beware. Extreme siesmic activity is often the case with Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in Earth signs; and here we have exacerbating circumstances.

Ptolemy does not mention China by name, but the country would fall under what he calls the second quarter:

“which embraces the southern part of Greater Asia, the other parts, including India, Ariana, Gedrosia, Parthia, Media, Persia, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria, which are situated in the south-east of the whole inhabited world, are, as we might presume, familiar to the south-eastern triangle, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, and are governed by Venus and Saturn in oriental aspects.” (Tetrabiblos. Bk II. p. 43)

This places Myanmar (formerly Burma) and China under the governance of the Earth triplicity at a time when Saturn, Sun and Jupiter occupies these signs. What he calls Ariana is what is now known as Afghanistan and Pakistan as far east as the Indus.

The Moon was Void of Course in the 24th degree of Leo, crossing the Dragon’s Tail and activating a square to the Sun when the 7.9 magnitude quake hit the Chendu area in the Szechuan province of China. The Sun was cojoining with Algol. The result was mass destruction causing the death of 10,000 people as the result of the quake and aftershocks. The Chinese refer to Algol as the star of “piled up corpses”

In the chart for 19 May 2008, the Sun is conjunct the Fixed Star Alcyone, the brightest of the Pleiades, situated on the shoulder of the Bull. It is of the nature of Mars and the Moon. Negatively the star is associated with blindness caused by fevers, either literally of figuratively. The spread of disease as a result of the catastrophes in Myanmar and China is a very real, but preventable threat; but first, blindness must give way to vision. This is most particularly the case in Myanmar.

The Lunar degree of this chart falls in the nineteenth Mansion known Al Shaulah, The Sting. The Ascending degree is in the sixteenth Mansion Al Jubana, The Claws, and in Via Combusta. The latter is a region of the zodiac that contains many baneful stars, with the notable exception of Spica. However, the Moon in the 28 th degree of Scorpio has Venus for decanate ruler, rather than Mars as was the case in the April chart.img_sign_on islamic astrolabe

This Solar degree falls in the Lunar Mansion Al Thurayya (the many little ones) and is said to be profitable to sailors and alchemists. Taken figuratively, this augers well for the afflicted and an albeit belated rescue effort for Burma, particularly as the Sun moves into Gemini and the Moon enters Sagittarius, forming a fleeting but perfect trine to Mars at the time of the Solar Ingress.

She will be in parallel with Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion,  before the opposition fully separates. Venus will soon be out from under the Sun’s beams. This is a brief period of respite, before Mars closes in on the Dragon’s Tail. Excessive heat and fires fanned by high winds are predicted when the Moon co-joins with them.

Please bear in mind that the house placements will differ from one time zone to another. These comments are most specifically relevant to the Pacific Coast in that regard only.  The comments on fixed star placement and planetary aspects otherwise remain the same and are most immediately concerned with the areas Ptolemy identified with the Earth Triplicity.

To be continued …