Solar Eclipse of June 30, 1954 – Brothers in Arms

The 1st lunar mansion of Cancer: الذِّرَاعُ “al-dhirā`” (the Lion’s paw) in Arabic. पुनर्वसु “Punarvasu” (The Two Restorers of Goods) in Sanskrit. Symbolized by a bow and quiver full of arrows in Jyotish. From [Wellcome MS Persian 373] Thumbnail 193 of Nujum al-‘Ulum ‘Stars of Sciences’ copied from an earlier work (dated AD 1575), which was probably commissioned by ‘Ali’ Adil Shah II of Bijapur in India. [Wellcome MS Persian 373]

The Total Solar Eclipse of June 30, 1954, is distinguished in no small part by its reach. Totality stretched from the US to Eastern Canada, over Greenland, parts of Scandinavia, Eastern Europe through Iran, Afghanistan and to Northwestern India. The most obvious historical connection is to a conflict between Afghani Pashtuns and Pakistan. I make this statement with some degree of hesitation because as the saying goes, a Pashtun is only at peace when he’s at war.  Afghani tribesmen are the de-facto military and warfare is taught alongside lessons in the Quran by traditional Afghans to boys as young as six., Therefore, we need to keep in mind that conflict is something of a natural state. The difference here, however, is that the conflict is between what we could well call brothers. In fact, the notion of hard boundaries between some Islamic countries is itself something of a rarity.

In addition, the politics existed and persisting between India, Pakistan and Afghanistan are so convoluted and deeply ingrained, that I will not be rehearsing them here in any detail. I’m more interested in the larger symbolism and particularly as it relates to this eclipse, However, this particular, little-discussed incident represents something of an epiphany or crystallization of the larger theme of serious and protracted wars that would have included Kashmir and therefore India and Pakistan – conflicts that continue to this day. The war in Kashmir is at least as old as the time of Partition. It has hosted what has been called a shadow war certainly between India and Pakistan, but Afghanistan has also been involved.

The strategic position of Afghanistan changed when Pakistan was born. Instead of being bordered by a largely Hindu population, it was now neighbours with another Islamic one.  Nevertheless, this was still early days and the porous border with Afghanistan was to some extent exacerbated by her landlocked position. There was and still is an antagonism between Sunni and Shia Muslims and Afghanistan is also neighbours with predominantly Shiite Iran. Even after all this time, the lot of Shii Muslims in Afghanistan is not good and is perhaps even worse in Pakistan.

I don’t think it would fair to suggest that this eclipse alone augured for the conflicts between Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it is both relevant and highly telling of the greater conflict. Pakistan has a large Pashtun population beyond the concentrations we find in Waziristan, a mountainous region covering the North Waziristan and South Waziristan agencies.

On 14 August 1947 (27th of Ramadan in 1366 of the Islamic Calendar) Pakistan gained independence. India gained independence the following day. The date given for the present state of Afghanistan is  4 August 1747, 12:01 PM in Kandahar. So, to put the conflict in context, this is not quite seven years into the young lives of either country. We don’t need to consult the chart for the creation of Pakistan for our immediate interests. It is impossible not to notice that the three countries are Leo. They have many things in common and many things to fight about.

This is the chart for the eclipse in Afghanistan:

Most obvious of course is the string of Cancer planets and luminaries in the 8th House of Death and Inheritance, themes which are very much at play, perhaps more so for Pakistan. Although history has celebrated the Independence of India and the creation of Pakistan (Land of the Pure) the depth and magnitude of the wound required to create a land for India’s Muslims are considered mostly within the context of the immediate results, such as the widespread violence between displaced Hindus and Muslims.

What is less often considered is the longer-term effects of the amputation. Pakistan was no small concession. It is an enormous country of 340,509 sq m., all of it once part of India. Moreover, the land had been handed over to what had not so long ago been invaders and often very harsh rulers. an estimated three hundred million Hindus were massacred and their religious sites destroyed over a three-century span of time. Members of other religious groups were also severely persecuted over the centuries. This mostly gets lost in the smoke and mirrors that constituted the politics of India and the British Empire. This raises the issue of duplicity, as shown in the 7th House.

Nevertheless, Gemini is, after all, the sign of the twins. The Lord of the Descendant is Mercury in Cancer but retrograde in the 8th House. It’s the Day of Mercury, but the Hour of Jupiter. The latter is also the Almuten of the chart. This brings us to the Lunar Mansion in which the Eclipse occurred.  The 8th Mansion is named al-Natra, meaning the Crib or Gap. It occupies 0* Cancer to 12* Cancer 51’What would seem utterly hopeless at first glance, turns out to be representative of opportunity.

In The Picatrix:, this Mansion denotes’ love and friendship and the ability to heal enmity.  Stephanie Johnson adds that Al Nathrah brings “a profound attachment to family and a love of children, even those of other people. This is not dissimilar to the interpretation of a Moon in Cancer.” (Lunar Mansions: Arabs and the Moon p. 5)  Dorotheus of Sidon has his own interpretation, but while the core themes remain the same.  there is great doubt about the longevity of the benefits. He writes  it is:

“Good for voyages, swift on outward and return journeys. Marriages contracted will be harmonious for a while, then discordant. A slave bought will deceitful, accuse his master, and run away. A partnership started will involve fraud on either side. If captured, long imprisonment.”

Durand Line Border Between Afghanistan And Pakistan

The two versions are not incompatible. In the short term, peace and understanding prevail. However, we know that corruption is rife in both countries. The core issue was and still is the recognition of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, known as the Durand Line. The issue was old even before the inception of Pakistan.  The history and ongoing strife are far too complex to rehearse here in detail and that isn’t the main thrust of this article. Everything is ephemeral in the Sub-Lunary Sphere and what this chart and eclipse show us is how the details, the smaller stretches of time, fit into the larger picture which is ultimately more massive than the human mind can fully comprehend.

Neverthe; less, in the short run, all looks quite encouraging. We have a truce rather than a permanent peace, which is what we might expect. The exaltation of Jupiter in Cancer lends a great deal of good-will seems well and Venus in the 9th House is quite splendid for two Islamic countries settling border issues. saturn is not respecting the Ascendant, except by aversion.

This does matter, however, because Saturn is all about boundaries and limitations of all kinds, and the party contesting the border can’t see that. Saturn is ion his House of Joy only because he can do less damage there.  Be that as it may, Mars is on the same Axis and the Eclipse – known as the axis of Hades and he has just entered Capricorn  This axis is after all, about possession of material things, either your ‘own’ or what is inherited. Again, this theme fits perfectly with the matter at hand. Mars is in his sign of Exaltation, but Retrograde. The antagonism is enough to get things moving, but not enough to kybosh all that might be gained.

Ficino tells us that Mars is soothed by Venus and Saturn is soothed by Jupiter. Both of these are operative in the outcome, albeit a temporary one. Venus accomplishes this by her position in the 9th House of religion. Islam itself is under Venus and both countries are Islamic. That brings an ultimately unshakeable degree of harmony, despite the boundary issues.  She is also in the sign of the Sun, and we are discussing two Leo countries. The 9th is the Joy of the Sun.

Jupiter, on the other hand, is strong, even though the house position is weak. He is still the Almutren of the chart. in his exaltation with a Cancer Moon.  He forms a trigon with Saturn and this seems to seal the deal. At the end of the day, the parties in conflict are they are brothers – and like brothers that will continue to scrap but always find a way back to each other. According to  Vinay Kaura, of Sardar Patel University, as of Jun 27, 2017 . “no Afghan government, including the present one headed by President Ashraf Ghani, has ever recognized the legitimacy of the Durand Line, which runs through mountainous terrain and remains largely unpoliced.” (MER. Jan, 2017. But what does a border actually mean to people who are partly nomadic and for the most part have no real concept of a nations state?

Considering both countries are strongly Muslim, the concepts of ummah and caliphate have much more resonance and particularly with the tribal populations of both countries. Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎ [ˈʊm.mæ]) is an Arabic word defined as “community”. It is distinguished from Shaʻb (شعب [ʃæʕb]) which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history. When Muslims speak of the Ummah, they would include Muslims from all countries. The Islamic ideal is a global Caliphate with all non-believers subjugated, so national boundaries between Muslims are going to produce conflict between tribal and Islamic values.

A nomadic family posing for a photo in the Wakhan corridor in Afghanistan

This is part of the never-ending story and there were and will continue to eclipses that are immediately relevant. My primary purpose here was to show how the eclipse describes the situation so eloquently.

Kashmir Accession – Part One

Maharaja Hari Singh

Maharaja Hari Singh

We’ve discussed the charts of Pakistan and the Independence of India. It makes sense to look at the chart for the accession of Kashmir, cause for the single greatest conflict between the two countries, both of which are nuclear power. It has been generally regarded that the onset of a nuclear war is most likely between these two countries. Once a single nation stretching to Iran and Afghanistan, the two neighbours have seen virtually endless sectarian aggression

At the centre of the crisis was Mararaja Hari Singh, “one of the renowned rulers of British India as well as the Indian Union as king of the geographically largest and strategically most important empire of Jammu & Kashmir. He gained acclamation for being the last ruling king of Independent India since he continued to rule the state till November 5, 1952 while all other rulers of princely states had seized to be kings by 1948” (JP Singh.  Sept. 22, 2010, Chandigarh, India  Tribune)

The ten week period between Independence and Partition and the Pakistani aggression has been referred to as the interregnum.  On the 25 October 1947 the Maharaj of Kashmir declared accession to India. He was Hindu in a Muslim majority region. The British had made arrangements for dozens of Princely states to be virtually autonomous , mostly in exchange for trade.kashmir1

This isn’t discussed much, but the British had a tiny armed presence in India which would soon have been overwhelmed without these kinds of agreements. The Maharajahs were mostly very happy with the arrangements and expected that they would remain as independent states after partition. The new Indian government would have nothing of it.

Kashmir had no sense of urgency and failed to respond to all initial calls for a decision; Kashmir could be part of India or Pakistan. This is the chart for the time the Maharaja declared accession. It was in effect made in a state of panic. Pakistan was invading and he was willing to accede Kashmir to India in exchange for protection.

It is therefore difficult to see this event as a birth of any kind, but rather a necessary surrender of sovereignty. In somewhat the same way as the Independence chart for India it is an act of dissolution in reaction to violence from the new state of Pakistan.

However Nehru, as starry eyed and incompetent as ever, elected to make the conflict a world issue by effectively turning it over to the UN.  If he had been more decisive, the story of Kashmir might have been different.

The chart mostly speaks for itself. There are however some particularly striking elements in this chart that have played out to this day.Kashmir_region_2004

It’s a tight contest for Lord / Lady of the Geniture, but at the end of the day I will take an unafflicted luminary over a Twelfth House Jupiter in this case, even if the Moon is not in sect. The Day and Hour Belong to Saturn and Mars in both the Almuten and the Killing Planet.

We are immediately drawn to the string of Scorpio planets with Ketu and Mercury, all on the Midheaven  and in the Eleventh House. Both malefics are in the House of Death: Saturn disposits the Ascendant in Capricorn. Sun and Mars are in Mutual Reception, with the latter dispositing everything in the  Eleventh House. It’s very difficult not to see the assistance from the Eleventh House as overwhelmingly military, but it fails to give much comfort with the two malefics working together in such a violent manner. To top it off, Algol is conjunct (and parallel) the North Node


Jupiter in Sagittarius is in the Exaltation of the South Node, but the effects are ameliorated  due to house placement. Jupiter can only expand the trials and misfortunes otherwise indicated.

The South Node is in Scorpio. Jupiter does however oppose the Part of Fortune on the Twelfth / Sixth House Axis.  The PoF is disposited by Gemini which takes us back to Mercury in Scorpio. The Eleventh House is shadowed by the Planetary Parts of Mars and Saturn

The Moon in Pisces is applying to a Martial Venus. As we have already noted, Venus is the significator of Islam, so I see her as an emissary of Peace, particularly since she is the Lady of the Geniture – rather like a diplomat.

However, she also disposits the Seventh House of partnership and open enemies. The Moon in Mundane usually refers to the people, and with the Part of Forth in the Sixth, this makes an even stronger case. It is, after all, the people who will ultimately make the difference between war and peace in Kashmir, as long as it remains majority Muslim it is exceedingly difficult to see how peace can become a reality for this very troubled and strategically significant region. It also suggested a country that would be exceedingly difficult to govern in any way


Kashmir Accession – Part Two

Srinagar, India - Jammu Kashmire Libertion Front - Killed mostly civilians since thier inception in 1989

Srinagar, India – Jammu Kashmire Libertion Front – Killed mostly civilians since thier inception in 1989

  • Mountbatten’s conditional acceptance of accession is dated 27 October, 1947 to signify his acceptance of the Instrument of Accession signed by the Kashmir Maharaja.
  • The letter reads, in part : ” In the special circumstances mentioned by your Highness my Government have decided to accept the accession of Kashmir State to the Dominion of India. Consistently with their policy that in the case of any State where the issue of accession has been the subject of dispute, the question of accession should be decided in accordance with the wishes of the people of the State, it is my Government’s wish that as soon as law and order have been restored in Kashmir and her soil cleared of the invader the question of the State’s accession should be settled by a reference to the people.

    Bichitr - Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Sheikh to Kings, with James I lower left

    Bichitr – Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Sheikh to Kings, with James I lower left

  • Meanwhile in response to your Highness’ appeal for military aid action has been taken today to send troops of the Indian Army to Kashmir to help your own forces to defend your territory and to  protect the lives, property and honour of your people.”

It wasn’t intended to be the final word on the matter, but Mountbatten couldn’t have imagined that Kashmir would be tortured and destabilized by violence sixty years into the future, with no end in sight. It was essentially a stop-gap measure, meant to protect Kashmir against invasion. Mountbatten notes with pleasure that Sheikh Abdullah, a Muslim was invited by the the Maharaja to form an interim Government to work with the Kashmiri Prime Minister. This follows comparable attempts made by the Indian Congress and those associated with it even before Partition.

In spite of efforts made, violence has continued to this day. The Mumbai bombers were said to have been radicalized over the status of Kashmir. It is therefor difficult to know which dates to choose, but let’s look at the war of 1965. Kashmir itself is like a Paradise on Earth, as Shah had said four hundred centuries  before Partition.


The second Indo-Pakistani conflict (1965) was also fought over Kashmir and started without a formal declaration of war. The war began in August 5, 1965 and was ended Sept 22, 1965. Let’s look at the Solar Revolution for 1965, employing the  Accession chart as point of reference.

The war is over Kashmir, fought between Pakistan and India. So we have what Arif Jamal calls a Shadow War.

The Lord of the Year is Saturn, Day is Saturn, Hour is Venus. Mars is the Almuten and Retrograde.

The Moon is in Via Combusta in her Fall in Scorpio, but she applying to a trine with Venus in her Exaltation in the Fourth House.

The Ascendant isn’t very strong with Jupiter Cadent in the Sixth and conjunct Algol. Other than that there are no extraordinary afflictions. The relative dominance of both malefics isn’t as strong as in the 1947 chart, but they do play into excessive violence

The Seventh House of open enemies is disposited by Mercury in Leo. This isn’t strong either. The North Node is exalted in Gemini. We wouldn’t expect this particular conflict to last lang and it didn’t.

This all points to heavy losses on the parts of India and Pakistan over Kashmir. That was in fact the case, but the Indian Kashmiris took the upper hand and made significant long term tactical advantages

Islamic Republic of Pakistan


Blogs provide a dynamic medium well suited to fairly brief, but frequently posted articles. Often, this proves to be very challenging. In some cases it inevitably requires either a narrowing of focus or leaving out significant elements.  I would like to have included the various Time Lords events over the last six decades. I would have preferred to discuss the relationship of the charts to each other and to other elements. If there is significant interest I will post a second article addressing these issues. In the meantime, this venue lends itself to interaction and discussion.

There are two charts of immediate relevance to Pakistan. The first is of course the 1947 Foundation Chart. The Second, which will be the primary focus of this article, is the 1956 chart for the inception of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The first chart appears to be an arbitrary one, with little or no astrological considerations. A brief survey of this chart reveals many weakness and few strengths.

Mars in his Fall in the third House, indicating among other things, quarrels with brethren. Using Porphry, he is in the Second House which isn’t any better.He is also Lord of the Twelfth House of hidden enemies.  Venus, dispositor of the Ascendant is  Combust, Oriental and Peregrine. According to the rules of Bonatti the Ascendant is the Hyleg. Luna is well placed in her Domicile as is Sol.

But the house placements do little to help the situation. Had the chart been cast after sunrise there would have been a few possibilities for a far better chart, albeit far from perfect. A weak Jupiter in the Seventh House with the South Node is far from ideal. I think it’s fairly safe to say this was not the work of  competent astrologer.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that what is promised in the chart won’t come to be.

The Muslim state of East and West Pakistan was created out of the partition of India at the end of British rule in 1947. This immediately lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands in widespread communal violence and made millions more homeless.

Jinnah with Gandhi

Jinnah with Gandhi

In 1948, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founding leader of Pakistan, died amidst hostilities between the new State of Pakistan and his previous homeland.

The first war with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir ensued. Pakistan and India have been hostile to each other ever since.

Jinnah, like Gandhi, was educated in England, enjoyed wearing his tweeds and had adopted many of the habits of an English gentleman. He was embarrassed by Gandhi’s traditional dhoti.

Ghandi had told Jinnah that Islam and Hinduism were the two eyes of India. It is a very great irony that Jinnah wasn’t considered to be religious at all. Gandhi offered him Muslim control of Parliament and many other concessions, but Jinnah wanted  a separate state, secular if possible. India and Pakistan were never again to enjoy mutual friendship. The cut had been too deep.

Pakistan has also been at war with China, fought a proxy war against the Soviet Union and been in a state of undeclared civil war for most of its existence.

Let’s turn now to the chart for the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. If astrologers were involved in the creation of this chart, we can at least see what they might have been trying to do. It certainly provides a rich portrait of the intrigues of Pakistani politics and society.

Pakistani Shiite Muslim women shout slogans during a protest to condemn Saturday's bombing in Quetta, Pakistan, Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013. Angry residents on Sunday demanded government protection from an onslaught of attacks against Shiite Muslims, a day after scores of people were killed in a massive bombing that a local official said was a sign that security agencies were too scared to do their jobs. (AP Photo/Arshad Butt)

Pakistani Shiite Muslim women shout slogans during a protest to condemn February 16 2013 bombing in Quetta, Pakistan, Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013. Angry residents on Sunday demanded government protection from an onslaught of attacks against Shiite Muslims, a day after scores of people were killed in a massive bombing that a local official said was a sign that security agencies were too scared to do their jobs. (AP Photo/Arshad Butt)

The Aries Sun rising in it’s exaltation makes for a very strong Ascendant / First House. Venus, strong in her Domicile in the Second House should be a great blessing, sparing the new Republic from poverty. Islam is under the governance of Venus . This chart has Venus for Day and Hour lord. She is also Lady of the Geniture, dispositing the Libran  Seventh House of partnerships and open enemies.

Pakistan is rich in resources with adequate, fertile land to feed all its people. It also rich in emeralds and copper, both under the governance of Venus. Oil and natural gas is plentiful and until recently the northern regions of Pakistan were a popular destination for tourists and adventurers until its domination by the Taliban.

However, there is another dimension to this. Pakistan has been under dictatorship, mostly by the military for 32 years of its short life and it is very difficult not to associate the Sun in Aries with the military, particularly when we find an Exalted Mars reigning unopposed from the Tenth House.

The Sun is the chart Almuten.. Mars is however informed by Saturn in his Debility, Retrograde and Peregrine. Using Porphry Houses, he is in the Eight House which makes things a lot worse. Moreover, Saturn is in the Exaltation of the South Node, while being with the North, again reversing the possibility of desirable results.

Saturn is disposited by Jupiter, also Peregrine and Retrograde with a Peregrine Moon in Leo. The Moon is in partile suqare to Venus. To me, this reeks of corruption and with the House placement religion cannot be excluded from the equation in a chart for an Islamic Republic.

So we get the sense of the military being supported by corrupt officials, and that includes clerics. Mercury in his Fall in the twelfth House merely amplifies the extent of intrigue. The Eleventh House of the Good Spirit is also disposited by Saturn, so Mars is ill-informed and supported.

The charts tells us that the enemies of the state are also a part of it. Internal corruption is well known both inside Pakistan and Internationally. Internal threats are worse than external ones. A country that carede for its own wouldn’t allow persistent drone strikes killing men, women and childrenislamic

Pakistan is one of what the UN has refered to as “multi dimensionally poor.” This way of measuring poverty takes many facets of life into account, including of course the distribution of wealth.

The fact is, Pakistan is not a poor country collectively, but with the world’s fifth largest military and cursed with a string of some of the most corrupt politicians in the world.

The ordinary citizen is left in need of basic securities, functioning utilities and protection from seemingly endless sectarian violence against the Shia, the Sufis, the Ahmadi, Hindus and Christians. Pakistan is one of an ever diminishing number of nations to live with this religiously inspired violence, although she is by no means alone.

The people are poorly served as seen by the Sixth House. The Part of Fortune is with the people, but is disposited by a very weak Mercury in his Fall in the Twelfth House where the Syzergy, the New Moon 21 Pisces 58 in the twelfth House.

[The video below is Fatima Bhutto speaking at the Sydney Writers Festival in 2011. Her discussion of the state of Pakistan is well worth watching.]

In closing, this chart matches what we knew about Pakistan, while offering another level of depth and interconnectedness. The strengths of this chart are many, but I think an astrologer would have found a way to diminish the power of the malefics. I also think they would have chosen a chart for zero degrees Aries to align perfectly with the Spring Equinox – Naruz and the Astrological New Year. The chart clearly isn’t the result of adequate thought and skill, unless of course the intent was malevolent.